yes, but it's not as good as black ops
the biggest zombie map that is out right now is proabably moon or call of the dead
The Nintendo Wii can only get 3 of the 9 possible zombie maps for Black Ops. see related zombie mode for identification and information on all of the 9 zombie maps
The speed cola helps you reload really fast in Black Ops zombie mode. Its really useful!
Black Ops has a zombie mode
No, you cannot.
(sadly) there is no zombie mode in CoD 4. the only zombie modes (so far) is the sombie mode in world at war and the zombie mode in black ops.
yes it does have survival mode in black ops ds if u want to check it put go to youtube and see other ppl playing
yes ; watch syndicate and he has loads of videos of cod black ops zombies
It does have a zombie mode and it is really fun.
NO, call of duty black ops story mode is totally separate from any other previous call of duty game. The only similarity is that in one map the same zombie killers return
Black Ops
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare does not have a Zombie Mode. Zombie mode is for the Treyarch developed call of duty games World at War and Black Ops. The additional add on map DLCs must be purchased, but they do include maps for zombie mode on the game discs