The speed cola helps you reload really fast in Black Ops zombie mode. Its really useful!
speed cola allows you to reload weapons faster in zombies
There is no RC cola in Black Ops Zombies... so, nothing. Mystery solved!
juggernog, speed cola, quick revive, mule kick, double tap rootbeer, stamin up, phd flopper, deadshot,
you can only have 5 perks in cod black ops but there are 6 to choose from double tap (macks u shoot faster), quick revive, mule kick ( you get 3 guns ),speed cola , juggernog, , and pack a punch upgrades ur gun this only is for the map kino der toten
Black ops
speed cola allows you to reload weapons faster in zombies
I think it is
they give health speed or atack power
There is no RC cola in Black Ops Zombies... so, nothing. Mystery solved!
Quick revive, juggernog or juggernaut, Speed Cola, and Double tap.
Yes. The Sleight Of Hand equivalent in Zombies is Speed Cola, which can be bought for 3000 points.
juggernog, speed cola, quick revive, mule kick, double tap rootbeer, stamin up, phd flopper, deadshot,
Zombies: Root Beer- Double Tap Speed Cola - faster reloading Quick Revive - Revive Allies Faster Jugg-Nog - More Health
They taste like speed cola XD
you can only have 5 perks in cod black ops but there are 6 to choose from double tap (macks u shoot faster), quick revive, mule kick ( you get 3 guns ),speed cola , juggernog, , and pack a punch upgrades ur gun this only is for the map kino der toten