Options > Open to LAN
LAN means Local Area Network. LAN World on Minecraft basically means that anyone else playing from the same router/modem as you can join your world.
A LAN world means if someone is playing Minecraft using the same modem/router as you, they can come into your world and play with you.
You can.
LAN worlds are available only to people who are on your local network. They have to actually be connected to your network, for the LAN IP to make sense.
Options > Open to LAN
LAN means Local Area Network. LAN World on Minecraft basically means that anyone else playing from the same router/modem as you can join your world.
If you have a cracked client, sure.
A LAN world means if someone is playing Minecraft using the same modem/router as you, they can come into your world and play with you.
no, but you can do a skype or hangout with who you are playing with while you are playing minecraft with them.
To turn an SSP world into a LAN world, click on esc to bring up the menu and click 'Open to LAN'
You can.
LAN worlds are available only to people who are on your local network. They have to actually be connected to your network, for the LAN IP to make sense.
Yes. It doesn't matter if it's LAN I believe. You just have to download some plugins and put it in the plugins server if you're using vanilla minecraft.
No. The way LAN connections work is: Minecraft searches your network (what all computers in your home are connected to) for games to join. Through LAN connections you can't connect to anything outside of your network.
Press escape while playing, and click the button that says "Open to Lan".
If you own a texture pack, then it will show the texture pack for you only on the lan server.