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kill, death ratio

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Q: What does KD mean for Call of Duty?
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What Does KD Mean In Call of Duty?

kill death

How to tell if your addicted to Call of Duty?

if u dont hav a good kd you are addicted

On Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 where is the KD found in the menu?

You click barracks then go to leaderboards then kills and there tou can find your KD ratio

How do you check your kd ratio on call of duty world at war?

online, go to barracks, leaderboards, kill count

When does Call of Duty 78 come out?

The year 2098 for Call of Duty 78. If you mean Call Of Duty 7, it is out. It is Black Ops.

Is Call of Duty a follow up on Call of Duty 6?

call of duty is the series... call of duty 6 is the 6th game in the series... if you mean black ops, no it isnt.

What do you call it when you complete Call of Duty?

Do you mean "Beating the Game?"

Will there be zombie levels on Call of Duty 7?

lol do you mean Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2? or just COD6? They have not even announced Call of duty 7 yet.

Is Call of Duty 6 better than Call of Duty 4?

in MY opinion, the first call of duty was better than the second one. however, if you mean call of duty 7 (black ops) is better than modern warfare you are wrong, black ops is the best call of duty.

When is call of duty modern warfare is coming out?

if you mean Call of Duty 4 it is already out and has been out for a couple of years already. If you mean the new call of duty which is now just called Modern Warfare 2 it is going to be released on 10/11/09

What does COD abbreviation mean?

In gaming: Call of Duty

How do you go prone?

If by that, you mean Call of Duty, the answer is Ctrl.