you go prone by holding "b" on xbox 360 or "circle" on ps3 and then just go under
It is very easy all you have to do is hold down circle for PS3 and for xbox 360 you hold down B.
You can't.
You would say he is accident-prone
AnswerYou can not crouch or go prone on any Gears of War. You can Roadie Run which is crouching and running. You can crouch when wall hugging if the wall/object is small, or if it's tall you can press the right analog stick to crouch.
you can't go prone. You can only crouch. Sorry.
if you mean crouch xbox=b(hold for prone) ps3=circle(hold for prone) pc=c(to go prone press ctrl)
no you can't
You have to be prone or near a table or something. Then what you do is hold square.
In order to see owls, go the most "OWL PRONE" area. And preferably go at night.
if you can go to learn
I can go alone as long as I have someone in that place where i can stay in their accommodation, however you will be prone to rape.
wazzup! i ain't tellin you anything! Go away!
you go prone by holding "b" on xbox 360 or "circle" on ps3 and then just go under
yes we are because of all the stuff we go through.
Prone is an adjective.