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If by that, you mean Call of Duty, the answer is Ctrl.

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Q: How do you go prone?
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How do you prone on FEAR the video game?

you can't go prone. You can only crouch. Sorry.

How do you get down in Call of Duty black ops?

if you mean crouch xbox=b(hold for prone) ps3=circle(hold for prone) pc=c(to go prone press ctrl)

Can a odst go prone in halo 3 odst?

no you can't

Are there any free FPS Games you can go prone in besides WarRock?


How do you deploy the bipod on COD5?

You have to be prone or near a table or something. Then what you do is hold square.

How see to an owl?

In order to see owls, go the most "OWL PRONE" area. And preferably go at night.

What kind of roof designs should be used in cyclone prone areas and why?

if you can go to learn

Can you go alone on international tour?

I can go alone as long as I have someone in that place where i can stay in their accommodation, however you will be prone to rape.

What parts of Himachal Pradesh are prone to earthquakes?

wazzup! i ain't tellin you anything! Go away!

How do you slide under things on call of duty?

you go prone by holding "b" on xbox 360 or "circle" on ps3 and then just go under

Are women more prone to dementia than men?

yes we are because of all the stuff we go through.

What part of speech is the word prone?

Prone is an adjective.