If you mean When does Call of Duty modern warfare 2 come out, then the answer is: November 10, 2009
kill 2 players at the some time with 1 claymore 50 times for the rhino icon
There are a lot of people who talk before the missions of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. In the way, way beginning, there is a man who is talking. He is General Shepherd. Captain Price also talks once you beat the mission, "The Gulag." Captain MacTaverish, or Soap, talks before some missions. Ghost is just a side character who sometimes talks.
itdepends on the map but i think heartbeat sensor is awesome but some people get ninja perk so they cant be seen by it
That depends on what you think. Some people would say Call of duty modern warfare mobilized, Others would say new super Mario bros.
No, that is why it is rated an 18. However, there is an option at the very beginning (like modern warfare 2) to miss out some racially offensive parts of the campaign.
Modern Warfare is the Sequel that takes place 5 years later and the game has some technical improvements
Yes on November 8 2011 by infinity ward with some help If you want a sad answer, there is not going to be a modern warfare 3. I'm not sure infinity ward wants to make anymore call of duty games. If you want a list of all the COD games..... Call of Duty 1 Call of Duty 2 Call of duty 3 Call of Duty 4 modern warfare Call of Duty World at War Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Call of duty Black Ops comes in November 2010 And if you don't believe me about no modern warfare 3, then go to the Activision and Infinity Ward buildings and ask them yourself!!!!!!!! there is going two be modern warfare 3, in 2011
Modern Warfare 2 is made by the same developers as the fourth Call of Duty (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare), but is not the same game. Both games are modern so some parts may be the same.
They will not, but some people like to claim that Call of Duty World at War is Call of Duty 5 because it was released after Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. So was Call of Duty World at War Final Fronts for the PS2 and what about the Modern Warfare reflex Edition for the Nintendo Wii it was released about the time Modern Warfare 2 was released. Even though there was never a Call of Duty 5 some people are asking about Call of Duty 8 and saying it is Call of Duty Black ops.
It has to be some Call of Duty game...my guess is either Modern Warfare or Modern Warfare 2
That depends which call of duty... there are 7... i know some for modern warfare,modern warfare 2 and world at war let me know which one you mean... otherwise try You tube
No there is a Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare and some people refer to it that way as a kind of shorthand. The Game Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 will be released in November 8 2011. Any next game will not be released until 2013 as they are released every other year with Modern Warfare 2 being released last November 2009 and Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare in November 2007
there is no cheats sorry
No it is 3 players what are you some type of want to be call of duty nerd
Some times
call of duty 4 call of duty world at war call of duty modern warfare mobilized quantum of solace if your looking for a bit of a challenge