If your talking about The car, it stands for Evolution Mitsubishi lancer evolution
Haunter will only evolve when you trade it with someone.
Anything you brend with a Ditto will the baby evo of whatever you bred Ditto with. So you would get a Cyndaquil.
go to Argos in your town and say "Evo" then she will ask your password and say Hey 232676 baby
32 its 33 now FaZe Traumah joined a week ago. he quit he is now making CleaR but his gamertag is EvO Traumah
the games has not been out for long but i guess as i am a pro evo fan if you win theworld cup with internationla you will unlock classic argenta,classic France and the list goes on
EVO stand for what?
EVO is a common word used by some companies that work in the film industry. The full form of EVO is variable.
Hong Ta Corrupation.
no. you can buy one but it does not come with one.
yes the HTC evo is better than the Htc hd2. the Evo has 8mp, two cameras front/back, a stand built in it, and it is with sprint so it is 4g and has 6pages. The Hd2 has 4mp and one camera just the back, with no stand and 3 pages and is 3g because it is with T-mobile.
EVOEvolution Engine (Harley-Davidson Motorcycles)
depends on the level of work done to each car. stock vs stock the evo will win. if the civic has work done then it might stand a chance. also depends on what motor is in the civic in the first place, if youre racind a d16y7 against an evo you have no chance.
Personally i prefer the HTC evo
Evo-devo stands for evolutionary developmental biology. It is a field that studies how changes in development processes contribute to the evolution of new features and species over time.
The Evo Shift is smaller than the original Evo and has a slide out qwerty keyboard. That is the main difference.
evo license is emergency operater's license evo license is emergency operater's license