Anything you brend with a Ditto will the baby evo of whatever you bred Ditto with. So you would get a Cyndaquil.
Yes, the easiest way is with another typhlosion or with a ditto.
yes because with a ditto it has no gender if the typhlosion is a boy the ditto will transform int the opposite gender of the Pokemon its paired with
Yes. A gender doesn't matter when breeding with a ditto.
The only way to learn Thyplosion Flare Blitz is by breeding.
Breed a Chansey/Blissey holding a Luck Incense with a Ditto.
Yes, the easiest way is with another typhlosion or with a ditto.
yes because with a ditto it has no gender if the typhlosion is a boy the ditto will transform int the opposite gender of the Pokemon its paired with
you get a cyndaquil
you put a ditto with typhlosion
Breed your Typhlosion with a Ditto.
Put a male and female mightyena in the daycare. Then, after a while you'll get an egg. Keep it in your paty and it'll hatch after a while. Breeding hint, ditto can breed with a male or female pokemon. It happened with my infernape, typhlosion and emboar.
try breeding it with a ditto.
Yes. I suggest using a Ditto found on the route above/below Goldenrod City.
ditto can breed with any Pokemon male or female in the game (exsept his children. refer to breeding or how to get eggs if you don't understand breeding.
unless your using one of the original (as in gold or silver), you cant breed with another ditto
No, you will not get a Pokémon Egg while breeding Articuno and Ditto. Articuno cannot breed due to its Legendary status.
nothing the thyplosion will run away and leave a thyplosion egg and wen hatched it has the moves the typhlosion knew that u breedded