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Yes. A gender doesn't matter when breeding with a ditto.

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Q: Can you breed a male pokemon with a Ditto in pokemon emerald?
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Related questions

How do you breed a male Pokemon?

Breed it with Ditto.

How do you catch Pichu in Pokemon Emerald?

You can't catch pichu in Pokemon emerald,But you can get a male pikachu and a female pikachu or a ditto and breed them, When the egg hatches it will be a pichu

What Pokemon can breed with a male bayleef?

a ditto

If you have a male Pokemon with a Ditto in the day care can it breed?

ditto can breed with any Pokemon no matter what gender exept legendarys.

Can you breed your male Milotic to get a baby feebas Milotic what Pokemon do you breed it with?

You have to breed with a ditto if it is a male

Can Ditto breed on Pokemon Platinum with a male Pokemon as well as a female one?

ditto can breed with ANY Pokemon as long as it has a gender. (rare Pokemon are genderless, so u cant breed them. >.<)

Can Ditto breed with Male Pokemon?

Yes, but it is usually easier with a female.

On Pokemon emerald can you put a male Pokemon in the daycare with a Ditto and get an egg?

yes actually you can

Do you have to have a Ditto to breed Pokemon?

No, you do not. You need a male and a female pokemon within the same egg group, or ditto and a pokemon or two dittos

Can you breed a male Pokémon with a male Pokémon?

no you cant breed male and male. only a ditto and a male, or male and female of the same pokemon

How do you catch a elikid in Pokemon FireRed?

breed two electabuzzes (male and female) or an Electabuzz and a ditto breed two electabuzzes (male and female) or an Electabuzz and a ditto

In Pokémon sapphire can you breed Pokémon with a ditto?

Yes u can breed any Pokemon with ditto but only male Nd female not the Pokemon wit no sex