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Haunter will only evolve when you trade it with someone.

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Q: What lvl does Haunter evo Diamond?
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Gastly Lvl.25>Haunter Trade>Gengar

Can some rate these Pokemon for going against the elite four in Pokemon diamond Infernape lvl 75 Haunter lvl 73 Snover lvl 34 Sneasel lvl 35 Luxio lvl 27 Roselia lvl 28?

the infernape and the haunter are good but try to get some Pokemon over level 40.

What level does haunter evolve on platinum?

Haunter evolves into Gengar by trading lol

What level does a haunter evolve in Pokemon firered?

Gastly > lvl 25 > Haunter > trade evolution > Gengar

How do you evolve haunter in Pokemon diamond?

You trade haunter to get gengar.

How do you evolve haunter on Pokemon diamond?

Haunter evolves when traded

What Pokemon are wolves?

Well, theres Arcanine ~ evo of Growlithe with Fire Stone, Umbreon ~ evo of Eevee when he is rele friendly at night, Granbull ~ evo of Snubbull at Lvl. 23, Houndour and Houndoom ~ evo at lvl. 24 Poochyena and Mightyena ~ evo at lvl. 18, Absol, Lucario, and that's about it. None of these look really like wolves except Houndoom and Mightyena, but its as close as you get :)

Pokemon diamond how to get mean look?

Zubat will learn it at lvl 29 Golbat will learn it at lvl 33 Crobat will learn it at lvl 33 Gastly will learn it at lvl 8 Haunter will learn it at lvl 8 Gengar will learn it at lvl 8 Duskull will learn it at lvl 38 Dusclops will learn it at lvl 43 Dusknoir will learn it at lvl 43 Misdreavus will learn it at lvl 19 Murkrow will learn it at lvl 41

What level does haunter learn dream eater?

lvl 39

How do you get a haunter in diamond?

you have to have a medicham and trade it with the girl in snowpoint town for a haunter

When does haunter evolve in diamond?

Are you plain stupid!?!HAUNTER EVOLVES ONLY IN TRADES!

How do you get haunter on Pokemon Diamond?

Some lady in a city will trade you it but it will stay as haunter.