Shoes, stilts, socks, slippers, skates, stockings, sandals, and sneakers.
things that start with d
Shoes, socks, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes, stockings, stilts. Scuba flippers
Some positive words that start with D are:dapperdarlingdecisivedecoratedeliberatedeliciousdinediscussiondonedoughnutdrydurable
Some words that start with D and end with SH are:Danishdashdemolishdevilishdiminishdishdistinguish
No idea :D
- diamonds - denim - dentures
Some things that you wear that start with the letter D include: Dress Denim Drawers Dockers
yeah u feet will start to burn
Dickey, a detachable shirt front. Dungaree, a pant.
People wear shoes on their feet to protect their feet.
On your feet you can wear Johnson & Murphy shoes.
Shoes, stilts, socks, slippers, skates, stockings, sandals, and sneakers.
socks,sandals,shoes, slippers, ski's and skates. Or even sneekers.
You can wear them at any age, but to actually dance on them, you need to be about ten to prevent injuring yourself. Some people start young, depending on what your teacher thinks, how your feet are developing, and how strong your ankles are. It varies by person, but usually your feet won't be strong enought if you start at nine or younger. I got mine when I was ten.
they did not wear clothes 8=D