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Shoes, socks, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes, stockings, stilts.

Scuba flippers

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15y ago
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15y ago

You could wear shoes on your feet. You could wear socks. You could wear slippers. You could wear Sandals. You could wear sausages, though I wouldn't recommend it.

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Q: What can you wear on your feet that starts with s?
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What can you wear that starts with S?


What can you put on your feet that starts with s?

socks shoes

What is something you can wear that starts with a S?

Socks, Shoes, Shals

What can you wear on your feet that starts with letter s name 6 or more?

· SAS shoes · shoes · skis · slippers · snowshoes · sneakers · socks · spikes · stiletto heels · stockings

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Something to wear on your feet that starts with a k?

People wear Kamik boots and K-Swiss sneakers. They begin with the letter k.

Something you wear starts with a S?

socks, sweatpants, sweatshirt, sweater

What you wear that starts with letter s?

socks, shirt, shorts, swim suit,

What fish starts with S and is 14 feet long?

Some sharks are 14 feet long. Sharks are a fish.

Name any seven that you can wear on your feet that begin with the letter s?

You can wear swim fins, snowshoes, skates and sandals. People wear socks, skis and stiletto heels on their feet.