You can give it to a Porygon and trade it so it will evolve into Porygon2.
Absolutely nothing. :3 There's just a nifty certificate that you get, and you can use Pal Park in the newer games.
Oak's lab isn't in Pokemon diamond unless it's hidden. But you might be able to use action replay to make it appear. Hope i could help! Sorry the font changed.
you get it when you beat all the johto badges in the game and prof. oak will call you and give you a masterball p.s never let a sister use your pokemon games if she doesn't know pokemon and you have a masterball hope this helps!
if your talking about the item called upgrade than you can use it evolve porygon into porygon 2 when you link trade it.
You can use an iron, gold, or pre-existing diamond pickaxe to mine diamond ore or diamond blocks
use cheats
First you must acquire the National Pokedex*. After obtaining it, Yanma will be available for capture in the Great Marsh in Pastoria City. However, Yanma will appear randomly each day in at least one of the six areas of the marsh. To check which (if any) area Yanma is located, go up the stairs of the marsh entrance and use one of the binoculars. *Once you see at least 150 Pokemon in the regional Sinnoh pokedex, talk to Prof. Rowan, then Prof. Oak will arrive to upgrade to regional dex to the national version.
Go to pallet town and then you use surf in under prof oak house.
Just go on menu (start button) and click pokedex. but you will have to get it from prof. oak (it automatically happens) :~)
first you go to rt. 224 then you will see a big grey rock but when your in the cave use it . then go to the rock and prof. rowan . hope you have 1 master ball because you will catch shaymin
Absolutely nothing. :3 There's just a nifty certificate that you get, and you can use Pal Park in the newer games.
Rowans lab after you have filled up normal pokedex, prof oak will give it to you to you but if you use the AR like me when u get 151 Pokemon and u go and try to talk to rowan he just sais go on and enjoy your edventure or sumtin like that....
You need to use the action replay event for diamond or pearl this won't work for platinum
After you catch Kyogre in the Hidden Tower, show it to Prof. Oak. Then you must get a Groudon from the Hidden Tower on Pokemon SoulSilver ONLY. It won't work if you just use a Groudon from another game (i.g. Pokemon Ruby.) When and if you do, show the Groudon to Prof. Oak and he should give you the Jade Orb.Hope this helps! =D
get the national dex then see prof oak in eterna city he'll tell you about articuno zapdos and moltres they will run around randomly use marking map to find them but dont use fly!
Sorry, the wi-fi event is over. You can still use action replay or gameshark to get it!