You sell them. That's what I do.
Forest: Tree, stump, branches. Peak: Small rock, big rock, mossy rock.
Tropius is available through the pokewalker, Big Forest Route which is unlocked after 40000 watts have been collected.
if you are talking about the show big brother then no.
Nuggets and Mushrooms are for selling. Heart Scales can be traded to a man in Blackthorn City to teach a Pokemon moves.
it doesn't matter but he gets you on T.V
You sell them. That's what I do.
22 inches
no you have to apply for it
its called whirl islands
there in the big biulding in johnto euratuk city
You can't get a butt in a Pokemon game.
It is the silph company.
Small rocks, Big rocks, Mossy rocks.
Nothing unless you would want to sell the for some money
22 inches
You have to catch ROTOM to make Saffron city work.