You can trade anything.
Basically, what happens is...
You trade a haunter, and it evolves as soon as it gets to the other side.
Then ask your friend to trade it back to you
If you just trade the haunter with no items it will evolve to gengar now take it back so that you have the gengar. You can't evolve a haunter by migrating it.
Trade Haunter and you will get a Gengar.
To get a Gengar, you must trade a Haunter and it will then evolve into a Gengar.
There is no NPC who you can trade a Haunter to for a Gengar in Pokemon Crystal. To get Gengar you will need to trade with another player or a copy of Pokemon Gold, Silver or Crystal.
Yes. The pokemon is Haunter. In order to evolve Haunter you will have to trade him with a friend and he will evolve. Just trade back to get Gengar.
You'll need to trade for a Haunter in order for it to evolve into Gengar.
OF COURSE!! you'll need to trade an haunter to a friend, and haunter will evolve TO GENGAR
If you just trade the haunter with no items it will evolve to gengar now take it back so that you have the gengar. You can't evolve a haunter by migrating it.
you have to trade a haunter and it will evolve into gengar.
You trade haunter to get gengar.
Trade Haunter and you will get a Gengar.
Trade a Haunter and it will evolve into gengar
Trade Kadabra to get Alakazam, and Haunter to get Gengar.
To get a Gengar, you must trade a Haunter and it will then evolve into a Gengar.
There is no NPC who you can trade a Haunter to for a Gengar in Pokemon Crystal. To get Gengar you will need to trade with another player or a copy of Pokemon Gold, Silver or Crystal.
To get GENGAR you trade with someone and after the trade is complete haunter will evlove into gengar
You cant. You have to catch a gastly then envolve it to haunter then trade with someone and trade back haunter will envolve to gengar!