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To get a Gengar, you must trade a Haunter and it will then evolve into a Gengar.

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Q: How do you get Gengar in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Where to catch a Gengar in Pokemon SoulSilver?

evolve it by trading it with another player

Do gastly's evolve in Pokemon soulsilver?

Yes into haunter and then trade to get a gengar

Do you need to get the national dex to evolve haunter in Pokemon SoulSilver version?

No, you don't need the National Dex to evolve Haunter in Pokemon SoulSilver. You just need to trade it with a friend then trade it back. Then, you have a Gengar!

What evolves by trading in Pokemon Soulsilver?

1.kadabra to alakazam 2.haunter to gengar 3.graveler to golem 4.machoke to machamp

How do you get gengar in heart gold?

To get Gengar you must link trade Gastly with a friend that has a 4th generation game (Diamond,Pearl,Platinum,Heartgold,Soulsilver) and then it will evolve into gengar.

Were to find gengar in pokemon platnum?

you cant find gengar if you not have steal trainers Pokemon cheat

Can Gengar defeat slimer?

gengar can defeat any Pokemon same with any other Pokemon

What type is the Pokemon Gengar?

Gengar is a Ghost-Poison type.

Where is gengar in Pokemon Ranger?

gengar can be found on the temple when you figth raiko

How can gengar evolve in Pokemon diamond?

gengar cannot evole :P

What trainer in the game has gengar?

Psychic Bryce has a gengar in Pokemon platinum.

How do you beat morty in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Morty has 4 Pokemon; lvl 19 Gasty, lvl 21 Haunter, lvl 23 Haunter and lvl 25 Gengar. all these Pokemon are weak against dark types moves. Morty's haunters and gengar know hypnosis so you will need Pokemon strong enough to survive while they are asleep. His Haunters know dream eater so they will regain health when this attack is used. His Gengar knows shadow ball which is a powerfull attack.