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you just search the group name in the search bar and you can join. But, you can only be in 5 groups at a time if you are not BC

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Q: What do you go to to make a group on roblox?
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How do you make your own group on roblox?

To create a group, go on a group, click on the picture with stick figure things holding hands on the right of the page, and your done!

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you make a group and you make them join and go to members and you go on a thing that says give robux

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How do you name a group on roblox?

The first thing to do is make sure you are off privacy mode. Then go to groups, click create a group and enter into the blank box the group name :)

Where do you go to make a game on roblox?

On your profile, you see that you have something titled (insert your username here)'s place. You click the build button and there! A different way is to go in roblox studio and do the same thing except instead of the build button you click the edit button.

How do you get group uniforms on roblox?

You have to make the uniforms then sell it so your group members can buy them.

How do you make a group on roblox?

You have to have bc to do this! NBC members get off this thing! To create a group go on groups and click create a group but it costs 100 robux, and make name discrution ranks and recuit members! Easy!

How do you make group ranks in Roblox?

First, you have to own the group. To own a group you have to be bc tbc or obc. Then if you own the group you go to the button above leave group. Then you go down to ranks. Then you click the add rank button and make the new rank. (new ranks cost 20 robux)

Does your groupe go away after your bc expires roblox?

No,you remain the leader of the group unless you give it away or leave the group add me on roblox im austin2118ace

How do you make games on Roblox?

You can make games on Roblox using Roblox Stuio.

How do you join xlegion on Roblox?

Go To The Group Page And Click Join Group If There Is No Button You May Have To Leave A Group

How do you make a model hill?

you just go on roblox studio then you go on your game build a hill and then click on all the parts then group all of them together and then you right click on where it says "model" and click save to roblox then click make model then yeah you'll learn the rest