>.< Smeargle, Smeargle, SMEARGLE!! There is an Iron (or something along those lines) at the end of the cave, but that's really it. thought as much lol neway thanks for le answer at least now i dont have to do any unnecessary looking through
Go to the battle frontier and go toward the battle palace notice a tree somewhere nearby go to it and use the wailmer pail on it it will attack! Its sudowoodo! Capture it or defeat it then surf down the waterfall and go to the left and into the cave now your in artisan cave.
how 2 get in the under warter cave on Pokemon emerald
Nothing exciting happens there on emerald.
it's random
There is no jirachi's cave.
Only Smeargle.
That would be Smeargle.
If you mean Artisan Cave, you can only find Smeargle.
that cave will open after beating the elite four near route 111
its not under a boulder its smeargle and there everywhere in artisan cave.
Smeargle i hate them they only know paint and cant learn anyother move
you get jirachi by walking(so its roaming) or use game shark or action replay
Go to the battle frontier and go toward the battle palace notice a tree somewhere nearby go to it and use the wailmer pail on it it will attack! Its sudowoodo! Capture it or defeat it then surf down the waterfall and go to the left and into the cave now your in artisan cave.
Click maps and scroll down until you see the artisan cave map click on it and your there.
There is no Pokemon in the Cave of Origin in Pokemon Emerald.
how 2 get in the under warter cave on Pokemon emerald
All you can catch is smeargles- I like them alot.They have the move sketch,which basicly takes a move and uses it permanantly!REALLY cool.