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nothing im a 1540 pro and i dont have anything

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Q: What do you get if your a pro on Wii sports baseball?
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What is you is a pro in wii sports baseball?

you don't get anything but that's what know

How do you get 6innings in wii sports baseball?

you go to options and they offer you 3 , 6 , or 9 (if you become pro).

Wii fit baseball cheats?

There is no Wii fit baseball. There is a wii sports baseball though.

How do you play Baseball in the Wii?

Select Wii Sports. And select baseball

Who is the world breaker of the Wii game Wii sports of tennis?

me im a 10560 pro

How do you become a pro at baseball in Wii sports?

play it all the time,if you get a low score of... 1 or 2 when you have 900 point it will decrease

How do you complete Wii sports?

There really is no way to complete Wii Sports, but you can become a pro on all of the games, and that is a good way to complete it.

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How do you get 200 on baseball Wii sports?

Not possible

Can you pick your team on Wii sports Baseball?


How do you become a pro at boxing in wii sports?

score over 1,000 ponits

What games come with Wii Sports?

The original Wii Sports includes tennis, bowling, golf, boxing and baseball.