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Well, it kind of depends on what game you have. I f it is Heartgold then you should head to New Bark Town and go east using surf. Go through route 27 & 28 (in that order) and then through victory road to the Pokemon league. PS near the very end of victory road you will battle your rival.

If you have soul silver then you should head over to Kanto which is at the same cross road as the spot where you enter victory road. If you did that then just try to finish your pokedex and stuff.

If you need more information go to target, game stock, blockbusters, etc. and find the hand book. it will usually cost around $20.00.

in the game you can battle/catch both Pokemon. You will find ho oh in a temple at Ecuteak city. You will find Lugia at Whirl islands.(to the right of Clanwood city.) If you have heartgold, go to the bell tower after you battle the kimono girls. Find your way to the top and and battle ho oh at level 45. Then, once you beat the Pokemon league you can battle Lugia at level 70. For soulsilver it's vice versa. First whirl islands, thten bell tower. The first time you battle either Pokemon it will be at level 45 then level 70. Bellow is the info for both Pokemon. the info is the same for both level 45 and level 70

Ho oh- Type-fire/flying ability-pressure Moves- Extrassesory, Sacred fire, sunny day & fireblast. Start with water and electric for 2x damage. Rock for 4x damage. then whittle the hp down with other moves

Lugia- Type-psychic/flying ability pressure Moves Extrassensory, aero blast, rain dance, and hydropump. Start with electric ice or rock. then use other moves to bring the rest of it's hp down.
you talk to prof.elm in new bark.

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