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You can actually do a lot of things after you defeat Groudon. 1st, you could go to the Cerulean Cave and catch Mewtwo deep within. You can also check out the Bug Catching Contest, Pokeatholon, or just rematch the Elite 4. Also you could catch Suicune, Rakiou, and Entei. Also if you go talk to copycat, she will say she lost her doll. Then you go to Vermillion City and go in the Pokemon Fan House and talk to the man sitting on the couch by the Clefairy doll. Her will then give you the doll. Then you go back and talk to copycat again and give her the doll. She will then give you the Magnet Train ticket so you can zip to Johto/Kanto. Hope this helped :)!
well go back to professor oak and he will say oh bring me kyogre and i will tell u a myth... well something like that so if u trade with a friend that has heart gold, u trade him groudon he trades u kyogre then u both go to professor oak in pallet town and show him kyogre and he will give a orb go back to where you caught groudon and there will be rayquaza tada lol and then u can trade back with ur friend....... :) oh and u can get a hoenn starter from steven located in saffron city he is in the ohh i forgot the name but just look for a big building........ i hope i have been a good help P.S if u havent caught mewtwo u can catch him in the cerulean cave....... the cave has lots of mazes so i suggest to go on you tube and look up catching mewtwo in soul silver then someone can guide you through u need lots of ultra balls and lots of repels ( max repels) not unless u wanna be annoyed by Pokemon every five steps hahaha

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Q: What do you do after you catch Groudon in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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You can always catch Groudon. And Rayquaza too.

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You simply cannot. When you catch Groudon, Prof. Oak will tell you you cannot catch both Pokemon on your own.

Can you catch Kyogre and Groudon in the same time or can you just catch one?

You can only catch one in one game. In Pokemon SoulSilver, you get Groudon, and in HeartGold you get Kyogre. In Sapphire you get Kyogre, and in Ruby you get Groudon.

How do you catch Groudon on Pokemon HeartGold?

You can't catch him in HeartGold. Only in SoulSilver. In HeartGold, you catch Kyogre in Embedded Tower. If you transfer either Kyogre or Groudon to the other game, you can catch Rayquayza

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you only can trade it from heart gold. you can catch groudon on soul silver

How do you catch Groudon in heartgold?

you can only catch him in soulsilver

Can you get Groudon and Kyogre in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You can get groudon in Pokemon soulsilver and kygore in Pokemon heartgold (both are found in the embedded tower on route 47).