Elite 4 and the champion of course!
But it's really difficult to defeat them,You need:
#1#Level 55+ pokemon (Including Groundon)
#3#saving(saving after every elite)
#4#Heal all of your pokemon after beating Drake
#5#someone to cheer you up
The 8th gym is in Sunyshore, but you will be unable to go there until after you beat Cyrus on Mt. Coronet.
you dive to get to sootopolis which is in the south east from mosdeep then fight groudon then you can challenge the gym leader and get your 8th gym badge. then u challenge the elite 4.
you need to beat the 8th gym leader in blackthorn city. glad to be of service.
You can obtain the 8th gym badge (the earth badge) in fire red from Giovanni in Viridian City.
In the 8th gym. he is the gym leader
you beat the gym leader
8th gym leader
go through the ice path to blackthorn city and beat clair tp get the 8th badge
You must go to the Pokemon Gym. Beat the gym leader and he awards you with the 8th gym badge
The only way to get a gym badge is to challenge the corresponding gym leader and win.
The 8th Badge in Pokemon Diamond is called The Beacon Badge.
YES You CAN It Count what Pokemon it is!!!!!!!!! And I Bet the 8th gym with a 36
You go to Viridian City ( the first town after Pallet Town ) and fight Giovanni for the 8th. Badge. ( He use Ground Pokémon )
The 8th gym is in Sunyshore, but you will be unable to go there until after you beat Cyrus on Mt. Coronet.
you dive to get to sootopolis which is in the south east from mosdeep then fight groudon then you can challenge the gym leader and get your 8th gym badge. then u challenge the elite 4.
After getting all the badges the 8th gym will open You beat givoanniORWalk Through Walls!!!!!!!!!!
you need to beat the 8th gym leader in blackthorn city. glad to be of service.