you can get past the man with the rage candy bars! hope that helps cause a lot of people don't know!
Beat team rocket in the radio tower in goldenrod city
first you have to beat team rocket when there in mahogany store and then you go to the radio tower in goldenrod and beat team rocket there and when your done with that the radio station director will give you the silver wing... good luck
after you beat seven gyms prof elm call you and say something about team rocket on the radio.
Yes, after you beat the Mahoganny Town Gym Leader you will get a call from Professor Elm about radio broadcasts from Team Rocket. If you check the Pokegear every station will be Team Rocket. You must then go to the Radio Tower and defeat them.
You have to go to goldenrod city and enter the radio tower, there a team rocket grunt wont let you pass the stairs, so go underground and talk to the only person there, is a team rocket grunt, he is going to give a team rocket uniform then you pass the radio tower stairs.
you beat them in a battle
After you beat them at the radio tower, they break up team Rocket again.
You have to get into the tower and beat team rocket.
in the radio tower
you have to beat someone in team rocket and you will get a team rocket uniform from him.then you have to go to the radio tower and the team rocket will let you pass.after that you have to beat team rocket and save the director.then you have to beat someone else so he will tell you where the real director is so you can save him
beat the team rocket in the radio tower in golden rod
you don't
Go to goldenrod and beat Team Rocket. The boss of the radio tower will give you the rainbowing.
You have to beat Team Rocket at the radio tower in Goldenrod City (Beat Archie) :)
Beat team rocket in Goldern City at the radio tower
Beat team rocket in the radio tower in goldenrod city
You beat Team Rocket in the Radio Tower. And then the Owner of the Radio Tower or whatever he is gives you the Rainbow wing at the top of the Tower.