You have to go to goldenrod city and enter the radio tower, there a team rocket grunt wont let you pass the stairs, so go underground and talk to the only person there, is a team rocket grunt, he is going to give a team rocket uniform then you pass the radio tower stairs.
it's golden rod city not golden bridge and you have to beat the seventh gym leader
The Gym in Blackthorn City. The gym's special Pokemon type is dragon. After you beat the gym you can use waterfall
cerulean cave after you beat all the gym leaders
After you beat the eighth gym you are allowed to use the HM waterfall
Use dark, ghost, or bug moves.
Go to blackthorn city but u have to go thru the ice path
in the ecruteak Pokemon center or at his house in Goldenrod city left to the game center
it's golden rod city not golden bridge and you have to beat the seventh gym leader
After you beat Falkner, he is always in the gym.
beat it
move to the 8th gym
It's in mahogany town but you have to beat team rocket in the house that has a tree with a antanae on it then the guy blocking the door to the gym will be gone.
beat the last gym leader on soul silver in johto
there is no gym in pallet town...
no you have to beat the gym leader
go up the ladder in the seafoam islands
Blaine. Seafoam Island (Cinnabar)