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it's golden rod city not golden bridge and you have to beat the seventh gym leader

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Q: How do you get team rocket on golden bridge in soul silver?
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How do you get the power plant part in Soul Silver?

you have to go to one of the gyms and a team rocket grunt will come out. and then you have to go to that golden bridge. and then battle him and then he says he hid the pat in the gym that you met him at. it is insde one of the rings and then take it back to the power plant

What does team rocket give you on the bridge battle in Pokemon soul silver?

he gives you the missing machine part for the generator at the power plant :) hope i helped :D

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Where is the team rocket uniform?

you can get it of a team rocket guy in heart gold/soul silver

Where is the team rocket grunt that you get transformed into a team rocket on soul silver?

He will be hiding around the city. He will be in one of the houses with an elder couple. His last location will be on the Cerulean Bridge bugging the couple who are on that bridge.

What and where is the gts on soul silver?

in golden rod city

What do you do after team rocket in soul silver?

Nothing is not true in khoto there back

Is there an AR code to look like Team Rocket in Soul Silver?


Where is silence bridge in soul silver?

I think that it is Route 12.

Where does the team rocket grunt go after you defeat him at the bridge in kanto and soulsilver?

The Team Rocket guy leaves for Johto after you defeated him at the Golden Bridge. He goes back to the Team Rocket Hideout at Mahogany Town. (He leaves because he found out that Team Rocket has abandoned three years ago 8-) In soul silver team rocket comes back and no that's not right he goes to the Unova region he can be found in black and white but now he has a wife and a son. I know because i beat white like 2 times and i always see him in his house all like i used to be team rocket member but team rocket go bye bye.