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Get it back. People shouldn't steal.

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Q: What do you do after team aqua stole the submarine on Pokemon emerald?
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How do you get through the sefloor cavern in emerald?

go to the team aqua's stole submarine and use dive.

Where is Team Aqua in their submarine in Pokemon Emerald?

go to Lilycove city go up and to your right to the shour the surf to the base

Where you found Steve in Pokemon emerald?

if you mean pkmn trainer steve, he is outside of the mountain where team aqua stole the meteorite

Where do you find the submarine that team aqua stole?

in the back of the base, but they get away with it.

Where do you get earthquake in emerald?

You get it from the cave where Team Aqua has taken the submarine to

Where do you find team aqua after they steal the submarine in emerald?

You can find them in the underwater cavern

How do you get the mastrball in Pokemon emerald?

You can find it in he Magma or Aqua hideout.

Masterballs on Pokemon Emerald?

u can get one in aqua layer

In Pokemon Emerald how many Aqua bases are there?

Only 1.

Where do you battle team aqua in lilycove Pokemon emerald?

at there hide out

How do you get past the team aqua grunts at lilycove town on Pokemon emerald?

You need to get past the Team Aqua grunts at Lilycove Town to advance on Pokemon Emerald. In order to do this, you first have to beat Team Aqua grunts at Lilycove Town.

What Pokemon game has Team Aqua and Team Magma in it?

Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, and Saphire.