after you defeat Cyrus you can battle dialga then you battle the three lake Pokemon and move on to sunnyshore city. then you go on to defeat the elite 4.
Pokemon is lame..
You get a master ball
In Diamond, Badge 5 can be gotten by defeating Fantina in her Gym in Hearthome City.
you get the master ball once you beat Cyrus in the galactic building
Lake Verity is accessible when you start the game, but Mespirit can only be accessed after beating Cyrus in the Distortion World. Lake Valor can be accessed after you make it to Hearthome, and likewise Mespirit, Azelf can be found and battle in the cave after defeating Cyrus. Lake Acuity can be accessed later in the game after saving Dawn/Lucas and Prof. Rowan at the Verity Lakefront. Uxie will appear after beating Cyrus.
The Torn World cannot be acsessed from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. It can only be acsessed in Pokemon Platinum after defeating Galactic Boss Cyrus once.
we find him in valor lakefront and in the HQ in veilstone city after defeating Cyrus.
In the fourth generation of the Pokemon games, the master ball item is won from Cyrus after defeating him in a final battle. It can also be obtained in the Pokemon Lottery.
After defeating Cyrus in the Main Galactic HQ. (you only get one unless you trade or hack so use it wisely)
Cyrus and his gang are located in Jubilife City in both Pokemon diamond and pearl. Cyrus leader of team Galactic is the antagonist of the games.
beat Cyrus
Cyrus will give it to you after you defeat him.
Cyrus will give it to you after you defeat him.
Cyrus is the guy that the people protecting lake valor mention
Cyrus is only in Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum. Nobody knows what happened to him after he disappeared in DPPl.
Pokemon Fire red and Leaf green- After saving Pokemon Emerald- team aqua hideout Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl and Platinum- After defeating Cyrus at veilstone galactic base Pokemon Heart gold and Soul silver: Right before Ho-ho and Lugia