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They're all women in the military.

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Q: What do wasps wacs and waves have in common?
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What did the wacs the waves and the wafs have in common?

They were the Army, Navy, and Air Force

What did wacs the waves and the wafs have in common?

all three were military units made up of women

What did women do before Vietnam war?

Women were allowed in the US military commencing with the establishment of the WACs and WAVEs in 1940/41 and ending with the Vietnam War in 1975; at which time the WACs, WAVEs, and WAFs were disbanded. WACs/WAFs/WAVES/etc. were not considered part of the US fighting forces, but rather auxiliaries.

What was the purpose of WACs and WAVES?

Women in the WW2 US Navy (WAVES), The Women's Army Corps (WACs) their jobs were switchboard operators, mechanics, and bakers. These were disbanded and integrated with male units.

Who were wacs and the waves world war 2?

Women Army and Navy reservests

Women during World War 2?

They served their country in the WACS, WAVES,and SPARS

What do you call a woman in navy?

There is no longer any 'special' name, they are named by their rank or rating as any other sailor.

What are women called in the army?

"Females" to be politically correct, basically they are called what they are, either: Soldiers, Sailor's, Marines or Airmen. ================================================== If she is an officer, then she is called "Ma'am, other wise you address her by her rank.

Wacs and Waves were miltary personals who were all.....?

WACS (Women's Army Corps) and WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) were military personnel who served in non-combat roles during World War II. They provided crucial support in areas such as administration, communications, and logistics, freeing up male soldiers for combat duties.

What types of wasps can be found in Kansas?

In Kansas, common types of wasps include paper wasps, yellowjackets, and mud daubers.

What did WAC's do in World War 2?

WACs were female reseve service personnel who helped do soldiers work so they could fight also WAVEs

When was WACS-TV created?

WACS-TV was created on 1967-03-06.