It is in a isolated door in the basement.
Unfortunately no though it does need dire nunchuck support
Go to the Basement and go to the Star Door (30 Stars needed) then do a 1 level of Dire Dire Docks then the portal will back off to let you go into the hole. Your in a Lava World level. Beat Bowser then get the key. Now you can access to the 2nd floor.
12 points for one avenger and 24 for an exarch + more for his weapon and powers.
Dried, reed, deer, die, died, did, deed, dire, red, rid, ride, ire
Donne mw to reponse...tah p dire MW donn response
what was so dire ? The surgery was very dire .
"Tell" in French is "dire."
The company is in dire straits. The dire situation kept the lifeboat's occupants quiet.
The shed is in a dire need of repair.This is a dire warning to do as you are told!The coal industry is in dire straits these days.The hotel we stayed in was dire and in a very dire need of redecoration!
Dire straits
Dire Straits
The population of Dire Dawa is 607,321.
Dire Tune was born in 1985.
Dire wolf was created in 1858.
English 'dire' = nefasto, funesto, desesperado, alarmante,extremo Spanish 'dire' (with accent on the 'e') = I will say.
I am in dire need of two aspirin tablets.