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In DBZ, Blutz waves, or Bruits waves (Zeno) are an energy source emitted from a large celestial body reflecting sunlight.

When a saiyan absorbs at least 17,000,000 waves through their retinas, they transform into a Great Ape.

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What part of speech is the word bruits?

Bruits is a verb.

What are bruits?

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How do you pronouce bruits?

To spell it out phonetically, it is pronounced: BREW-its.

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Bruit is singular. Bruits is plural. In the sentence, "Pulses are two plus without bruits", the plural word bruits is correct, because it follows the plural word, pulses.

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this question has already been answered but first you have to spell CAROTID BRUITS correctly

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The cast of Bruits de fond - 2010 includes: Marc Dillier Boris Lemant

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Les bruits de la ville - 1998 is rated/received certificates of: France:U

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I believe it is a verb. Check the link below.

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Tout le monde entend des bruits la nuit - 2008 is rated/received certificates of: France:-12

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