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You can play the full version of the game, Singleplayer or Multiplayer

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Q: What do premium accounts do in Minecraft?
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Are there any premium minecraft accounts you can play on?

I play on my own, everyone is welcome to get their own premium Minecraft account.

What do premium accounts in Minecraft do?

A premium account is a Minecraft account that has bought the game. A premium account allows you to change your skin and play on multiplayer servers.

How long does it take to get premium on minecraft?

To get a premium account? I don't get what you're saying. You buy premium membership for your accounts.

Can Minecraft be free?

Yes but not the premium accounts. if you got a free premium account for free it is illegal.

Is Minecraft alpha still available?

No. The only game modes currently available are: Creative - (Non Premium and Premium Accounts) Survival Beta - (Premium Accounts Only)

Can you have multiple players on single minecraft license?

In a premium account, No. If you want more accounts, Buy more accounts...

How would one get free online minecraft accounts?

Unless you are gifted the game from a friend, you cannot get free premium minecraft accounts. You can register accounts without buying the game, though you will only be able to play creative.

Why is my Minecraft 1.6.2 a demo?

You must either not have minecraft premium, or your minecraft premium hasn't "registered".

How many people go on minecraft?

As of the date of this answer, over 42 million people have created accounts on, the game's website, and over 8,293,494 have upgraded their accounts to premium and bought the game.

Can you get free Minecraft accounts?

Minecraft accounts are free to register.

How do you get Minecraft premium?

You have to get an account on the real minecraft website.

How do you get premium on Minecraft?

You have to get an account on the real minecraft website.