Works worse then a Greatball but better then a Pokeball. It's received by buying ten or more pokeballs at any pokemart.
You can get it when you buy 10 - 12 pokeballs in the pokemart then you can have 1. hope i helped
"What do you use premier balls for on Pokemon leaf green?"On Pokemon leafgreen you use premier balls to catch Pokemon.They are a fancier version of the pokeball.How to obtain: Buy 10 pokeballs and receive 1 premier ball as a gift.
No, Premier balls, are just an event ball, like the premier ball, and has no special effect. The only difference, compared to the pokeball, i the look it has!
There aren't any quick balls in emerald as far as I know :(
You can't get premier balls in Fire Red, a lot of peope say you can get it by purchasing at least 10 pokeballs at the pokemart but it does't work in Fire Red. Sorry
Well what you need are dive balls,premier balls,timer balls,and quick balls.
No, although premier balls look alright and sound alright they really are not all that good
You can get it when you buy 10 - 12 pokeballs in the pokemart then you can have 1. hope i helped
Im pretty sure (correct me if I'm mistaken) that you can just buy premier balls in that city where the rock gym is after you've defeated the pokemon league and something....can't remember
Pokeballs, greatballs, ultraballs, masterballs, timerballs, repeatballs, nestballs, netballs, luxuryballs, and you can also have from ruby/sapphire/emerald premier balls and dive balls but the dive balls will not work in firered and leafgreen because you can't go underwater.
you can only get timer balls on rustboro city pokemart on emerald
"What do you use premier balls for on Pokemon leaf green?"On Pokemon leafgreen you use premier balls to catch Pokemon.They are a fancier version of the pokeball.How to obtain: Buy 10 pokeballs and receive 1 premier ball as a gift.
No, Premier balls, are just an event ball, like the premier ball, and has no special effect. The only difference, compared to the pokeball, i the look it has!
premier balls duude, premier balls, buy 10 pokeballs, get a free premier, sell the 10 do it all over again, cost you 1000 , and YOUR WELCOME wow this really works i caught all three regi with premier balls. it took like 15 of them to do it but it worked every time.
Ultra balls.
Premier Balls in Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum commemorate Nintendo Events involving legendary Pokémon, such as Cresselia, Darkrai, or Shaymin.