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They both have a silent letter in front of the N

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Q: What do Gnome and Pneumonia and Mnemonic have in common?
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Related questions

What is the silent letter in mnemonic and pnemonia?

The silent letter in "mnemonic" is the "m" at the beginning of the word. In "pneumonia," the silent letter is the "p" at the beginning of the word.

How do you spell nomonia?

The correct spelling is pneumonia (a lung disease, from Greek pneuma, breath, pleumon, lung).

Is pneumonia a proper noun?

No, pneumonia is a common noun.

Words that have a silent letter?

knight, lamb, gnome, gnu, pneumonia, Lincoln, dumb, climb, gnash, know, fright, light, eight, delight....

Common organism that causes nasocomial pneumonia in hospital acquired pneumonia?

The most common nosocomial bacteria infections is staph.

Which common GUI environments are available in most linux distributions?

gnome and kde

What place of the earth is pneumonia most common in?

Pneumonia is a respiratory disease, rather than a place or state, but there are a few entries on Google maps such as "Pneumonia Lake", "Pneumonia Gulch" and "Pneumonia Road" that are named after the disease.

What anti-infective medicine would a family doctor prescribe to treat pneumonia?

what is the common medicine of pneumonia

Does Linux have a command line?

yes. Xterm, gnome-terminal are common ways of accessing it.

On Neopets when does the Gnome Shroom turn into a gnome?

actually, the gnome shroom does not turn into a gnome, it's just a joke.

Is it common to get pneumonia?

If you live in a place that has a lot of rain you could get it but it's not common.

Is pneumonia a leading cause of death?

In the United States, pneumonia is the sixth most common disease leading to death