On saturday but there is a catch...
It requires 3000 points AND you need the national dex.
Good Luck!
no it doesnt work you have to give evee rare candys and soothbell at night to get umbreon and day to get espeon i think
u can make it evolve by giving it any stone, or by levelling it up at a certain time of the day. Water stone - Vaporeon Fire stone - Flareon Thunder stone - Jolteon Level it up in the day with high happiness - Espeon Level it up in the night with high happiness - Umbreon
TM11 Sunny Day is in the Goldenrod City Radio Tower.
any time of day doun by ecrteac
never because its rubbish
For soulsilver, your mom can get if she`s saving your money, in tojho falls, pokealthon dome on a specific day, mt.moon, & bottom right of the ruins of alph.
Once you reach Pokeathon, you can trade your points for a Dusk Stone when it is there on a certain day.
After you acquire the National Pokedex, Dusk Stones can be purchased at the Pokeathlon Dome. You can also win a Dusk Stone (or one of the other stones) for getting first place in the bug catching contest.The pokeathlon prize exchange booth. The pokeathlon is north of goldenrod city in the Johto region.Hope I helped!
On Monday you can get a leaf stone, Tuesday you can get a fire stone, Wednesday you can get a water stone
no it doesnt work you have to give evee rare candys and soothbell at night to get umbreon and day to get espeon i think
go to the pokethlon and get 2500 points on a certin day and you can buy it then
u can make it evolve by giving it any stone, or by levelling it up at a certain time of the day. Water stone - Vaporeon Fire stone - Flareon Thunder stone - Jolteon Level it up in the day with high happiness - Espeon Level it up in the night with high happiness - Umbreon
The antonym for the word "dawn" is "dusk" or "nightfall." These terms represent the opposite ends of the day: dawn is the beginning of the day, while dusk or nightfall marks the end of the day.
More like dusty orange - but there is a pink quality to the stone - dawn and dusk bring out that quality of light quite dramatically and at those times of day the answer Yes.
Between the dusk of a summer night and the dawn of a summer day
Dusk is the time of day right after the sun has set, when the sky is still somewhat illuminated but darkness is setting in. It marks the transition between day and night.
For a Mismagius, you'll need 2 things: a Misdreavus and a Dusk Stone. To catch a Misdreavus in HeartGold, you need to go to the Safari Zone (near Cianwood City), Cliff Cave (on Route 47), or Mt. Silver (at night). It's rare in all of those cases, mine ended up taking me about 45 minutes to an hour to catch in the Safari Zone. Second, you'll need a Dusk Stone. You can either trade one in from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, or wait until you receive the National Pokedex after beating the Johto Elite 4. After getting the National Dex, you can get a Dusk Stone from Biker Reese (Route 17), the Pokeathlon Dome as a prize on any day except for Wednesday or Sunday, Bug-Catching Contest first prize (after getting the National Dex, this prize will vary), and the Cerulean Cave in Kanto.