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any time of day doun by ecrteac

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Q: What time of day can you find Ledyba in SoulSilver?
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to find a ralts in soulsilver tune in on your radio every day and one day yuoll find a ralts. need answers ? im all around every day.

Where do you find Ditto in Pokemon soulsilver?

you can find ditto on route 36 which is north of goldenrod cityoutside of goldenrod by the day care

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The day of the week in Pokemon diamond and pearl, is the same as your handhelds time and date i.e. if it's a Tuesday on your system, it's Tuesday on Pokemon

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You will need a manaphy, unobtainable in soulsilver. Take the manaphy and a ditto to the day care, after some time they will breed, the egg contains... Surprise! Phione!

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Sabrina is in the Olivine City Harbor all day Friday.

How do you change the day in Pokemon SoulSilver?

The only way of changing the day in soul silver is to change the day on the DS itself. The day imprints off of the DS time

How do you breed in SoulSilver?

at the day care

Where do you find pinnco in Pokemon HeartGold?

dunno about heartgold, but in soulsilver it is in that area of grass under the day care and you have to headbutt to get him too.

Where do you find silver in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver after you become champion to fight?

mt.moon once and check evrey day at the Pokemon league and one day he should be there

Where do you find luvdisc in Pokemon SoulSilver?

On route 27 As a swarm when surfing (it's at Lv.20)At all times (morning, day, and night)

Where can you find a day care on Pokemon SoulSilver?

The Daycare in Pokemon Soulsilver version is south from Goldenrod city, which means OUT OF TOWN. So while going south you'll see a house with a man standing outside, that's the Daycare.

Where can you find a spirittomb in Pokemon SoulSilver?

well you can trade but if you want one of your ot put a traded one in day care with a ditto and get a spiritomb egg!