

Best Answer
  • havin' a ball
  • the whole ball of wax
  • The ball is in your court.
  • That's the way the ball bounces.
  • behind the eight ball
  • a snowball's chance in hell
  • throw someone a curve ball
  • a ballpark estimate
  • a softball question (used when an interviewer is asking nonthreatening, "easy" questions. This phrase is often used in politics to indicate that an interviewer is not addressing important issues.)
  • to snowball out of control
  • ball and chain
  • belle of the ball
  • (to be) on the ball
  • a real fire ball
  • do a cannonball (into the water)
  • a real goofball
  • look into your crystal ball
  • high ball / low ball an offer
  • just eyeball it - meaning give an estimate
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Q: What common phrases use the word ball?
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A sentence using the word ball would be: If you throw the ball to me I will catch it.

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You should use a before a word starting with a consanant (not a,e,i,o,u), and use an before a word starting with a vowel(a,e,i,o,u).

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Two of the most common sports that use rackets are Badminton and paddle ball. Also, tennis and pickle ball are common sports that use a racket.

How can you use the word round in a sentence?

"The ball is round"

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No, time phrases are not considered nouns. They are usually classified as adverbs because they modify the verb in a sentence by indicating when an action takes place.

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Your extreme use of vituperate words an phrases tends to negate the valid points of your argument.

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What is the Somerset word for tired?

hello, we use the phrases ; dead - beat , or whacked out to describe being tired

What is the Italian word for ball?

"Palla" or "Pallone" are the best words to use to say ball in italian.