On a bukkit server, if you have permissions, you can do /thunder, /lightning, /smite or commands like /weather set storm to get the thunder/lightning effect. It all depends on the commands you have on a server.
In singleplayer you would have to change the weather by doing "/weather thunder"
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The only way to spawn herobrine in minecraft is to use mods as you cannot spawn him in vanilla minecraft.
Use a spawn egg in creative or look for a nether fotress where they spawn.
They just naturally spawn in jungles. Unless you're in creative, where you can use an ocelot spawn egg to spawn one in.
You can't, they are only spawned naturally. You can, however, use a spawn egg in creative mode to spawn them.
To get eggs that spawn animals in Minecraft PE on Survival Mode pawn use the command /give.
Try: 383:99
The only way to spawn herobrine in minecraft is to use mods as you cannot spawn him in vanilla minecraft.
Use a spawn egg in creative or look for a nether fotress where they spawn.
They just naturally spawn in jungles. Unless you're in creative, where you can use an ocelot spawn egg to spawn one in.
You can't, they are only spawned naturally. You can, however, use a spawn egg in creative mode to spawn them.
you use some kind of mod, or throw eggs until you spawn a chicken
Beds are made in Minecraft by crafting the first row with wool, and the second row with wood.
It makes no difference if you use the /stop command or not
You can only spawn mobs in creative mode, where they give you spawn eggs. if you use a squid spawn egg in water, a squid should appear.
You can't, unless you use mods or spawn eggs.
You can either use mob eggs, single player commands, or GUI Spawner Mod.