Use a spawn egg in creative or look for a nether fotress where they spawn.
Make a T of Soulsand, and put wither skeleton heads ontop
Wither skeletons will only spawn in the Nether Fortresses. The Wither Skeletons are rare mobs that are only in the Nether, more specifically the Nether Fortress. Unlike regular skeletons the wither skeleton carries a sword and when hit by a Wither Skeleton you will be come infected by the wither effect.
its basically the same as the way you make a iron golem but instead of iron you put soul sand and instead of the pumpkin you put three wither skeleton heads on top of the soul sand
Technically, there is no real "end" to Minecraft, but you could count the defeat of the Ender Dragon as the furthest point in the game.
The recipe for the Wither Skeleton consists of four Soul Sand arranged in a 'T' position and three Wither Skulls placed on the three topmost blocks.
Make a T of Soulsand, and put wither skeleton heads ontop
Wither skeletons will only spawn in the Nether Fortresses. The Wither Skeletons are rare mobs that are only in the Nether, more specifically the Nether Fortress. Unlike regular skeletons the wither skeleton carries a sword and when hit by a Wither Skeleton you will be come infected by the wither effect.
its basically the same as the way you make a iron golem but instead of iron you put soul sand and instead of the pumpkin you put three wither skeleton heads on top of the soul sand
As of 1.4.2, some monsters drop their heads as trophies when killed. A head from a Skeleton or a Wither Skeleton, is a skull.
Now Getting a wither skeleton's head is pritty rare because this is like trying to find emeralds, becasue you may have to kill a lot of wither's before they drops a Wither Head, now i have watched a video where it took someone 150 kills to get 3 wither heads
A spider jockey is a skeleton riding on a spider. A spider has a 1% chance to spawn with a skeleton on it.
Technically, there is no real "end" to Minecraft, but you could count the defeat of the Ender Dragon as the furthest point in the game.
you can put them in the helmet slot in your minecraft inventory or you can place them down. There are no actual use for them but they are extremely rare drops so they are used aesthetically. You can use the wither skeleton skulls to create the wither boss but you can search for that on the minecraft wiki.
well when 1.4 comes out it will take 4 soul sand in a t shape and put 3 wither skeleton skulls on top (the skull is a rare drop from a type of skeleton in the nether) you must have it on easy, medium or hard for it to work.
The recipe for the Wither Skeleton consists of four Soul Sand arranged in a 'T' position and three Wither Skulls placed on the three topmost blocks.
Yes, as of Minecraft 1.4, the Wither was added to Minecraft. It is created by placing two blocks high of soul sand, then adding two "arms" of soul sand. Then, on the three top blocks, place three Wither Skeleton Skulls, which are obtained from fighting Wither Skeletons as a rare drop, which are found in Nether Fortresses. When you build the wither boss, it should look like this: [SKULL] [SKULL] [SKULL] [S . S .] [S . S .] [S . S .] _______[S . S .] 'S . S .' stands for Soul Sand. When you build it, the wither boss will automatically spawn. I would advise building it in the Overworld, because there you will have a smaller chance of being thrown in lava.
Yes it is a glitch. When a spider is spawned in creative mode it has a 0.8% chance of spawning with a wither skeleton as a rider. A spider spawned in nether also has a 0.2% chance of spawning with a normal skeleton rider. The wither skeleton jockey can only be spawned in creative mode but you can fight if you open to LAN and allow cheats. Then say /gamemode 0 or /gamemode 2 to fight it in survival or adventure. It is considered weaker then the normal spider jockey becuase both the wither skeleton and spider use melee attacks. Be careful when spawning this monster and changing to survival or adventure.