No. There is no Herobrine in Minecraft.
Herobrine was never in Minecraft.
I don't believe that Herobrine is in vanilla Minecraft. There are videos on YouTube that used the Single Player Commands mod to spawn the discontinued 'monster' (human) mob with the texture modified to look like the legendary Herobrine. The SPC command is 'spawn monster'. There are 'Herobrine' mods, but I have not looked into those.
Herobrine was never in Minecraft. It was just a joke from Notch. He never had a brother named Herobrine.
No. Herobrine is a myth. He is NOT, nor was he EVER, in Minecraft.
Since you can't mod Minecraft PE, there's no way to add Herobrine in.
no you can't but I wish
In order to spawn Herobrine in Minecraft 1.3.2 you have to download the mod "Herobrine". Just Google "minecraft herobrine mod
You need to have the Herobrine mod on and you need 9 gold 1 netherrack 1 herobrine totem 4 redstone torches and a flint and steel.
There is no such thing as Herobrine. Herobrine was a myth based of a problem minecraft kept having when it was in development. The game would crash and say HERO(some random numbers)BRINE. The creator of Minecraft, Notch (minecraft username), had a brother who had recently passed away. His name was Herobrine. People started stories and eventually it became a minecraft legend. Every update the noted changes always include -removed Herobrine in remembrance of the glitch.
No. There is no Herobrine in Minecraft.
Herobrine was never in Minecraft.
No, i tried it using an obvious way on a normal minecraft server (not cracked) and he never appeared. overall, you cant summon him because he never existed in minecraft. the only reason people think he is real is because of this:‎
I don't believe that Herobrine is in vanilla Minecraft. There are videos on YouTube that used the Single Player Commands mod to spawn the discontinued 'monster' (human) mob with the texture modified to look like the legendary Herobrine. The SPC command is 'spawn monster'. There are 'Herobrine' mods, but I have not looked into those.
I don't believe that Herobrine is in vanilla minecraft. There are videos on YouTube that used the Single Player Commands mod to spawn the discontinued 'monster' (human) mob with the texture modified to look like the legendary Herobrine. The SPC command is 'spawn monster'. There are 'Herobrine' mods, but I have not looked into those.