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first go inside the mansion. talk 2 the old lady. she'll give u tea. go to the place that takes u 2 lavender but dont go thru it. go thru the entrance below it. give the guard the tea. go forward 2 saffron city.

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Q: What city do you go to after celadon city on Pokemon fire red?
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You have to get the tea from the old lady in celadon mansion. She is on the first floor, next to some pokemon.

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you have to use the underground path it is the only WA to get to celadon city

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its rare in fire red but here is the location of this pokemon: Pokémon Mansion, Celadon City

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to the left of the floor

What Badge for strength in Pokemon Fire Red?

You need the rainbow badge which you get a celadon city Hm cut is needed.

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That is available in Team Rocket Game Corner in celadon city

What tms are at the celadon game corner in fire red?

Its a southwest from the celadon city Pokemon center you can't miss it its a red/blue building.

Where can you find a wild koffing in Pokemon fire red?

Celadon City while surfing, Pokemon Mansion Floors 1,2, 3, and 4.

How do you get back to celadon city while you are at one island Pokemon fire red?

Use the ship that lead you to one island to go back to vermilion city then from there you can use Fly to reach celadon city.