to get spoink u must to jaged pass the place near lavaridge town to get there u must go up the cart thing when u get to the volcano go down and youll find some grass go there and u might find spoink there
After national dex you find it at altering cave its Levels: 20 +
Yes, it is in Safari Zone (After you get the National Dex) and in Altering Cave.
how 2 get in the under warter cave on Pokemon emerald
TO catch tyrouge you go to some cave some where and fight the karate king
you can catch it in the ice cave in Pokemon emerald 386 here you go the link
cave of oregan in sootopus
the artistan cave in Pokemon emerald is at the south of the battle frontier, it is also a place where you can catch some really strong smeargle.
I do not know if you can catch Kyogre in Emerald but if you could, Kyogre will be in the Cave of Orgin at Sootopolis City. ;) ANSWER At marine cave, but I dont know how to get there
You can find it in shoal cave during low tide.
In Pokemon Emerald, you can catch Nosepass in Granite Cave, right by Dewford Town. In the cave around the 3rd floor, there will be breakable rocks. Nosepass only appears by using Rock Smash on those rocks, nowhere else in the cave or the game.
you can get in that cave when you get a notice from Steven saying that there been wierd stuff going on and then you get to in there to catch your legendary pokemon(depends on the game but not with emerald you do something differrent then )
You have to wait until the tide comes up in Shoal Cave.
You can find nosepass in granite cave very rare though.
After national dex you find it at altering cave its Levels: 20 +
Yes, it is in Safari Zone (After you get the National Dex) and in Altering Cave.
There is no Pokemon in the Cave of Origin in Pokemon Emerald.
how 2 get in the under warter cave on Pokemon emerald