TO catch my Azelf, I just kept on throwing 5 ultra balls, then 5 timer balls, then 5 ultra, then 5 timer etc. etc. (this is what I do with all my legendary Pokemon actually)
After the events of spear pillar check out all of the lakes and battle uxie and azelf, Mesprit will run away Sargent Pickles response: I caught uxie but defeated azelf by accident and i tried like 20 pokeballs on uxie until i had to use my master ball it just would give in lol but u can catch it :)
Oh Easy! Weak = Pokéball] Weak = Luxary Ball Bit Tougher = Great Ball I used an Ultra Ball Next comes Quick ball Then Heat Ball Nest balls are good Then Net ball Note: ONLY USE 4 AZELF'S OR UXIE'S Master ball Never fails to catch a pokémon! So u need to buy an... ULTRA BALL!
well try to get his health low and use the best balls! like the net ball master ball ultra ball!
I used a Master Ball to catch Palkia, but that was before I knew Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit were legendary. It all depends on the types of the Pokemon or how long you expect the battle to last. For Water-type or Bug-type legendaries, use Net Balls. For long-lasting battles, use a Timer Ball. For cave or night battles, use a Dusk Ball. (I recommend this for the Generation IV legendary trio, Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit.) For Water-types, use a Dive Ball. (I'm not sure where you get this.) An overall ball to use would be the Ultra Ball.
After visiting the Spear Pillar, go to Lake Valor and in the cave you should find Azelf. Bring a Pokemon along that has the move Mean Look so the Azelf cannot escape because they will try to teleport away. You probably will have to try multiple times to catch it if you don't have a Master Ball. If you have gone to Lake Valor and failed to catch it...Look on your Poketech and find the app Berry Finder. Then you must chase the Azelf's easier if you just use Mean Look at Lake Valor because it's really hard to find the Azelf after losing it once.
Azelf is found in the Sinnoh Region, in one of the three caves in the middle of the three lakes. (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl). You can catch azelf after you catch the Pokemon Dialga or Palkia. It depends on the type of Pokemon game you have Pearl for Palkia and Diamond for Dialga.It would be best to catch Azelf with an Ultra ball. But if you havent used your master ball yet u can catch Azelf with that. Use Kricketune's false swipe, the use luxray's thunderwave to paralyze it. It took about 10 dusk balls.
Use your master ball.
The dusk ball has a higher catch rate in darker areas, like the cave Azelf is found in. It is also slightly cheaper than the ultra ball, which yeilds similar results. Of course, if you choose to use your Masterball, it will work without fail.
Of course, the best pokeball to catch any pokemon is a master ball, but if you used it on dialga, you could put it asleep and then get its hp red and use an ultra ball
After the events of spear pillar check out all of the lakes and battle uxie and azelf, Mesprit will run away Sargent Pickles response: I caught uxie but defeated azelf by accident and i tried like 20 pokeballs on uxie until i had to use my master ball it just would give in lol but u can catch it :)
a master ball
You can use any, but the best to use is the Master Ball (if you still have it), or Ultra Balls when it is extremely weakened.
a farting ball
a master ball
In Pokemon Platinum Version, what type of pokeball do you use to catch Azelf Uxie and Mesprit?Use dusk balls and timerballs later on, use a pokeball if u want, for mesprit it's a quick ball.
ppl i know catching a azelf on ANY Pokemon game 4 Nintendo is hard. but the only way how to catch it is to use a freking MASTER-BALLand make it go to sleep(zzzz)Sorry to burst on your bubble but you actually CAN catch Azelf without a master ball. But yes, it is easier to catch when you put it to sleep. So heads up on very-high leveled Pokemon who can use any move that puts other Pokemon to sleep. ~.- I would prefer using your master ball on the legendary Pokemon (Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf NOT Dialga/Palkia) that you want the most. Like for instance, I wanted Mesprit the most, so I used my master ball on him. But this DOES NOT mean that you would nessicarilly use your master ball on mesprit or on your fav legendary. It's just a simple idea.what i did was put it health point low as possible then put it to sleep. i used a lot of dusk ball and ultra ball.using ur master ball is a waste. u should save it on a stronger legendary when u ran out of other pokeball
Very. Use it on Mespirit, Cresselia is very easy to catch. If you have Platinum you might want to use it on Articuno, Zapdos or Moltres.