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You need to have beaten Maylene (the fourth gym leader who is in Veilstone) to be able to use fly.

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Q: What badge do you need to use fly in platinum?
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You need the Thunder Badge.

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The badge from Cianwood.

When can you use gts in Pokemon Platinum?

You can use the GTS in Pokemon Platinum after you get the first gym badge from the Oreburgh City gym.

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To use the HM Fly, you have to have the Thunder Badge, won from Lt. Surge in Vermilion City.

What is the gym that use fighting Pokemon platinum?

it's the 3rd badge!

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You can use the move as soon as you get it. You can fly to different towns with a certain badge.

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You will need the 7th badge to use the move Rock Smash.

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get the mind badge at the canalave gym in canalave city

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You get it from Cynthia's Grandmother in Celestic Town.You need the Badge from Pastoria City to use it outside of battle. (Beat Crasher Wake!)

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What badge lets you use fly in diamond?

In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl you must defeat Maylene in Veilstone City's Gym and receive the Cobble Badge, this will allow you to use the HM Fly outside of battle.