The fifth badge is in Sootopolis City, you need Surf, Dive, and Whirlpool to get it
You need the Thunder Badge.
You will need the 7th badge to use the move Rock Smash.
you need to get the badge in fuschia city
You can use it after winning the Glacier badge at Snowpoint city.
The fifth badge is in Sootopolis City, you need Surf, Dive, and Whirlpool to get it
Steven gives it to you in Mossdeep City. You can use it in the field after you get the mind badge.
I think you get it after you get the gym badge that lets you use rock smash
You need the Thunder Badge.
You will need the 7th badge to use the move Rock Smash.
You need to find your way to Sootopolis. That’s where the 8th gym (Water-type) will be. Getting to Sootopolis can be a bit confusing. You’ll need Surf and Dive. when you reach an extra dark spot in the water—a trench—use Dive to go down, then navigate through the water until you find a huge underwater cave. Go through that cave, swim to the light spot, use Dive again, and you’ll pop up in Sootopolis.
You will need the Dive HM which I think you get from Stephen after getting the badge from the Mossdeep gym. Then use Dive out at sea and you can find shards underwater aorund the Mossdeep and Sootopolis areas.
you need to get the badge in fuschia city
You can use it after winning the Glacier badge at Snowpoint city.
8th gym badge the water badge
The badge from Cianwood.
badge 16 from blue