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Q: What are you supposed to use the master ball for on diamond?
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When should you use the master ball?

You should use it on one of the 'roaming' pokemon, like Cresselia in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.

Can you use luxury ball as a master ball?

No but i have heard that you can use it like a master ball on latias

What pokeball should be used to catch moltres Articuno and Zapdos in platinum?

Use a master ball. Unlike Mesprit, they'll run away from you before you can use Mean Look. They also know Roost which heals their HP making them even harder to catch. To catch all three with a master ball get Diamond/Pearl. You also need another DS. Once you get the master ball from Cyrus in Diamond/Pearl have one of your Pokemon hold it in that game then trade that Pokemon, take the ball from it then trade it back if you want. If you saved the master ball in Platinum BOOM you already have two! After that delete your Diamond/Pearl game then do the same thing again. If you don't have another DS then use the master ball on the one you want the most and try to use quick balls on the other two. actually mate if you use mean look it will work as long as the pokemons speeds high enough

Do you have to use a master ball on a legendary dog?

no, you don't have to use your master ball on it. you could use it for any legendary Pokemon like mewtwo, or... you know what i mean!

Pokemon Diamond heatran?

When you have defeated the elite four go to the new island and work your way up to stark mountain heatran may not be there. The second time you go to stark mountain heatran will be there. I wouldn't use the master ball for heatran I used my master ball to get giratina.

Related questions

How do you get unlimited master ball on diamond?

if you use an action replay.

In Pokemon diamond version which Pokemon do you use the master ball with?

Use it on Palkia.

How do you cacht dailga in Pokemon Diamond?

how to catch dailga in Pokemon diamond use the master ball

What Pokemon should you use the master ball on in Pokemon diamond?


How many master balls in Pokemon Diamond?

There is only one Master ball in Pokemon diamond so use it wisely. I hope you can find it!

Where can you find a second master ball in Pokemon diamond?

You cannot find a second master ball however you can trade Pokemon to get another Pokemon with a master ball or use an action replay

How do you get heatran without using a master ball in Pokemon diamond?

use ultra balls

Can you get more master ball in Pokemon Diamond?

No u can only have 1 master ball in Pokemon diamond. it is almost completely only made for dialga. but you can as well use it for mesprit or cresselia. they r not sold in pokemmarts.

How do you find dialga on Pokemon diamond?

soon enough youll venture through a dark cave and at the end there is dialga you will have a master ball by then use the master ball to catch dialga

Master balls in Pokemon Diamond?

After defeating him in the galactic HQ after the seventh gym, Cyrus will give you a master ball. Do not use your master ball on dialga! Instead, use it on Cresselia or another harder Pokemon to catch.

When should you use the master ball?

You should use it on one of the 'roaming' pokemon, like Cresselia in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.

How do you get the Pokemon arceus on Pokemon Diamond?

If you have a master ball,use that,if you dont,try and quick ball like hundred times or a ultra ball Hope it works.