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no, you don't have to use your master ball on it. you could use it for any legendary Pokemon like mewtwo, or... you know what i mean!

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Q: Do you have to use a master ball on a legendary dog?
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Who to use master ball on in pearl?

you should use it on a very hard legendary Pokemon like dialga palkia giratina shaymin or arceus

What ball do you use to catch the legendary birds on Pokemon fire red?

You could use any ball but I suggest weakening them to 1 HP first, then putting them to sleep, then catching them with an Ultra Ball. DON'T WASTE YOUR MASTER BALL ON THEM!

Can you use luxury ball as a master ball?

No but i have heard that you can use it like a master ball on latias

How do you get the legendary birds in firered?

For Zapdos: Go through the power plant and use your master ball, If Master ball has been used then attempt to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball. For Moltres: Go to Mt. Ember and climb to the summit and Moltres will be waiting. Use your Master ball, If used try to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball. For Articuno: Go to the Sea foam caves and move the boulders through the empty holes ( Strenght HM Is needed ) Articuno is tricky to catch. Use your Master ball, If used try to capture with Great ball or Ultra ball.

What poke balls do you use to capture legendary Pokemon?

I used a Master Ball to catch Palkia, but that was before I knew Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit were legendary. It all depends on the types of the Pokemon or how long you expect the battle to last. For Water-type or Bug-type legendaries, use Net Balls. For long-lasting battles, use a Timer Ball. For cave or night battles, use a Dusk Ball. (I recommend this for the Generation IV legendary trio, Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit.) For Water-types, use a Dive Ball. (I'm not sure where you get this.) An overall ball to use would be the Ultra Ball.

Related questions

What do you have to do to get legendary Pokemon on pk vortex?

Use a master ball

When do you use the master ball?

to capture the legendary Pokemon you meet

How do you catch legendary Pokemon in soul silver?

Use A Master Ball Or Ultra Ball To Catch. But I Think It is Hard To Find Master Ball...:/

How do you save the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon in Pokemon plainum?

you can use your master ball

What to do after you get master ball?

Go and use it on a legendary Pokemon like dialga or arceus

What pokeball is the best to use on raikou?

The best Poke Ball to use on any legendary Pokemon is usually the Master Ball.

How do you catch legendary Pokemon without master ball?

You get their health really low and use a ultra ball the best

How do you catch legendary Pokemon in silver version?

Use the master ball you get from profe elm

What Pokemon do you use the master ball on?

Witchever you want, but you should probably use it on rare or legendary pokemon.

Is it possible to catch a Rayquaza with a normal pokeball on emerald?

I think it is almost impossible. You can use master ball on it. Legendary Pokemon are really powerful and you may need to use even ultra ball (extra legendary Pokemon like mewtwo or lugia are recommended to catch with master ball).

Where can you find a master ball in Pokemon platinum?

Defeat Team Galactic Boss Cyrus, and he gives u a master ball. then he will tell you where the Legendary Pokemon are. Follow his direction...and use your wise to use masterball

Who do you use the master ball on in heartgold?

i would have to say that thebest one to use it on would be a legendary dog because just buy alot of ultra balls and save before you battle ho-oh and then you have a better chance