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Right Button (RB) is Black, Left Button (LB) is white. Hope this helps.

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13y ago

RB will be the white button and LB will be black.

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Q: What are the white and black buttons on xbox 360?
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How do you use the back and white from the Xbox on the Xbox 360?

I presume you mean "Black" and white buttons from the first xbox... If so then Right and Left bumpers are used on a 360 controller

Is the Xbox controller the same as the Xbox 360's?

No, on the 360 controler there is no White and Black buttons, they are replaced by two bumper buttons just above the triggers, much like the PS2 controler.

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Yes, if it is a normal xbox game. You might have to remember that the black and white buttons are now the left and right buttons.

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What is the difference between Xbox controllers vs Xbox 360 controllers?

Nothing much. Instead of the black and white buttons on the Xbox controller the Xbox 360 controller has RB (right bumper) and LB (left bumper). And the Xbox 360 controller is way more comfortable

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They are almost exactly the same. Try using the bumpers instead of black and white.

What is the difference between a black xbox 360 and a white xbox 360?

the white one i just a regular xbox 360 and the black one is the xbox elite and it comes with a better hard drive and it has more accessory's

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The color does not make any difference.

Can you use a white xbox 360 wifi adaptor on a black 250gb xbox 360?

No. The Xbox 360 S has built-in wifi.

Can you play Halo 2 limited edition on the xbox 360?

Yes, i tried it. you have to use LB and RB instead of the black and white buttons though.

What is the difference between the black xbox 360 and the white xbox 360?

Nothing is different it is just the color of the Xbox.

Can you play the white xbox 360 games on the black xbox360?

The color does not change anything on the Xbox 360.