yes you battle team galactic, capture legendaries, give a lost locket to someone, and much much more
Lake Valor side
Pokemon diamond
you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
impossible. You have to trade it with a pearl user. they are as easy to obtain in pearl as murkrows are in diamond : ) ~Sherry PMMewtwo---At the forest inside the right side door in the Pokemon mansion.
Pokemon 134 is Finneon in diamond
There are various side-quests in Pokemon Diamond. The most well known side quests is the Iron Island side-quest that gives you Riolu that evolves into Lucario. The other well known side-quest is the Stark Mountain side-quest for Heatran.
All you have to do is complete side quests and sometimes the quests give you more partner pokemon. If you are about AT LEASTt ranger rank 3 you should have the option of these quests.
Of course! Try going to, click on the Diamond/Pearl under the Games on the left side, and find Swarming on the right side of the nest screen. there are 29 different kinds of swarming Pokemon in Pokemon pearl and Pokemon diamond
Lake Valor side
When hippos are upset, their sweat turns red.
Pokemon diamond
nothing you have finished the game, but you can get the egg and put it on another game like Pokemon pearl or diamond. Or you could just start it all again
The top of the map is north, so the right side is east.
from quests
Pokemon diamond Pokemon diamond Pokemon diamond
Its at the right side of the bridge east to floaroma town.
eterna forest, near the eterna side entrance