They are meteorites that are said to have fallen from space. Some will have items. They are used to change the form of Deoxys. speed, defence, attack and normal.
the ones in maylenes gym.(vielstone city)
Feed it medicine (Iron, Calcium, etc..), make it win battles, give it a massage in Vielstone city.
I remember finding one south of Vielstone city, but Diamond had it south of Stark Mountain... Perhaps this is because Ryhperior is in the new Sinnoh dex.
You can find a Shell Bell at Hearthome City in Pokemon Platinum.
In Pokemon Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl, the department store is is Veilstone city.
The game corner in vielstone city.
in vielstone city (were the fighting type gym is)
the ones in maylenes gym.(vielstone city)
There is a small one in Eterna City and a big one in Vielstone City.
hippopatos is in the maniac caveon the rout were right below vielstone city and right above valor lakefront.
In vielstone city. By the gym, there are two houses. Go to the one on the left. The massage lady is in there. Talk to her.
Feed it medicine (Iron, Calcium, etc..), make it win battles, give it a massage in Vielstone city.
Go to Vielstone City with a spare spot in your party and go to one of the houses behind the Poke centre. A man will give you Porygon.
I remember finding one south of Vielstone city, but Diamond had it south of Stark Mountain... Perhaps this is because Ryhperior is in the new Sinnoh dex.
To get to Pastoria, go via Vielstone city then go south. It's the only way till u get further in the game.
You go to Vielstone city and go into Team galactic building and find Cyrus(Team galactic boss) then battle him. After the battle he should give you a master ball.
I think if you use Rock Smash on them Pokemon may come out!