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Sheer Cold,Fissure,Horn Drill and i think Guillotine is in Pokemon Emerald or Fire Red and Leaf Green.IN Pokemon Black and White i think Complete Burn sounds like a one hit KO move.

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Q: What are the one-hit KO moves in Pokemon Emerald?
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What are someone hit KO moves in Pokemon emerald?

Kyogre- sheer cold Groudon- fissure thats all i can think of right now. if i think of more i will get back to you

How many KO moves are there in Pokemon?

Four moves are KO Moves. Here's what I know: Fissure (Ground) Guillotine(Normal) Horn Drill (Normal) Sheer Cold (Ice)

What Pokemon know one hit Ko moves?


How do you beat Cyrus in Celestic town in Pokemon Platinum?

use one hit KO moves and full restors.

What is the strongest move in Pokemon emerald?

explion found in the 1st version has a atack of 250 unforenetly in kills your PokemonEDITthe strongest moves are the 1 hit ko moves but their accuracy is 30 here they are horn drill,guillotine,fissure and sheer coldnidoking has horndrillkingler has guillotinegroudon has fissurewalrein,articuno,kyogre have sheer coldi think some more Pokemon have those move but those are the 1s i use

Can you get a Pokemon that knows fissure horndrill sheercold and gillateen?

yes. there are some like gligar, dewgong, dugtrio and ninoking or you can check these moves on bulpipeadia an they will tell you about the move and they will tell you all the Pokemon that can learn these moves. there are also all on hit ko.

Is guillotine a good Pokemon move?

It's good on a team that has a variety of moves. As long as you aren't depending on 1-hit KO moves, then it could be a good addition to a team.

What are all the one hit KO moves in pokemon?

Horn drill,Sheer cold,Fissure,Guillotine. These move make foe Pokemon faint regardless of its current stats but has an accuracy of 30%:)

How do you beat 3rd gym with grovyle in Pokemon emerald?

How to beat second gym in emerald: The second gym leader is a fight user so if you go with a normal type its just asking to get smacked. even though physic type takes alot of damage from fighting types ( and does alot of damage) i would recommend getting a pokemon like ralts or abra ( train them until they evolve) then you should be faster than him and if its strong enough ( your pokemon) it should be a 1-hit ko.

What is a trick to beat Watson in Pokemon?

Just use fire/fighting moves to KO magnamite and magnaton.Use marshtomps mudshot to take down voltorb and manatric

What are Ninjask's moves?

Ninjask is good but has sucky moves. I would recommend Aerial Ace, Fury Cutter, Mind Reader and Mega Horn(1 hit KO so use Mind Reader first). BTW these are excellent moves for the Pokemon league.

What are the three starter Pokemon in emerald?

Treeko. Mudkip and Torchic. Pick Treeko... when he's fully evolved and has learned leaf blade, 90% of the time you destroy your opponent in a 1 hit KO!